A Fresh New Look

Good Morning SoCal,

In light of last weeks announcement there have been many questions about our upcoming season. This morning we are very happy to be able to begin sharing some key details about what to expect as we move forward. There will still be much more information in the days and weeks to come but in the meantime we hope this email will cover your most pressing concerns.

First off it's paramount to understand that the SoCal League is not changing. We are still a non-profit organization and we are still as committed as we ever to developing well rounded youth cyclist through our programs. We still place the highest value on fun, saftey, and community. We remain dedicated to our goal of getting more kids on bikes. We are composed of the same amazing teams, we race at the same venues, we share the same awesome culture. None of those things are going away.

That said, there will be changes on the administrative side but those changes are being made for the betterment and to the benefit of us all as SoCal Leaguers. Here is what we can share today...

The Races Go On

We are happy to announce that the tentative race schedule for Season 15 has been posted to the 2023 RACE PAGE of the SoCal League website which is now up and running at socalyouthcycling.org. Events are marked as either PENDING or CONFIRMED so make sure you check before you run off to book campsites.

This year racing will look no different than it has in any other season. We will race five events with a qualification based Conference Championship following our final event. Race and season fees WILL NOT increase but there is a high likelihood that new "race packages" will be offered at discounted rates for those wishing to preregister for events in bulk.

Stay In Touch

It has never been so easy to share the SoCal League experience with others. The League now has a joint photos account which can be found on the Community Page of the website. Additionally, changes have been made to our Discord signup process making it much easier to join in on the fun. We hope you will utilize these tools to engage with your league peers and build upon our incredible culture.

Coach Training Opens September 1st

We know folks are itching to begin working on their coaching certifications ahead of the new season. We can't announce anything specific but we are hard at work behind the scenes overhauling coach licensing. For now we can tell you that the barrier to entry will be reduced, the process will be more seamless and that you will know everything there is to know about the new SoCal Coach Licensing process and requirements come September. Fear not, your current licenses will carry over and things are about to get a whole lot better!

Registration Is On The Way

Curious how we will handle registration for Season 15? The SoCal League will be using the CCN platform provided by Interpodia. The software is incredibly robust and offers a wide variety of improvements over our previous registration software. Tutorials and much more will soon be available and you can rest assured that the platform is well tested as it has been in use by numerous other leagues like ours for some time already. Also, as promised, your data will be carried over into the new system.

A New Learning Management System

Along with our new registration system we are implementing a new online learning system which will directly integrate into our registration system. The system we have selected is Canvas. We know many of you are already familiar but for those who are not Canvas is one of the most highly reviewed and widely adopted platforms on the market. Just as was the case tutorial and more will be coming soon.

That's it for now but we will keep the faucet turned on. Stay healthy, stay active, stay stoked.


See You In The Dirt Zone,

The SoCal Team


Coach News: 08/08/2022 - Big Changes


A Message From Our Founder